
Showing posts from September, 2012

Stop Bullying!

What does Diversity mean to us simply because at first there were only Adam and Eve and and do you realize that we share the same blood no matter what race, belief and gender we are. Deep down diversity is beaten and down rotten it's proof that many people which regard as the diversity are get the oppression, I'm one of the member of the save diversity, as a gay I've been there and feel how the discrimination towards us is knocking our heart down shattered in to pieces, simply because I'm different than "the common" so put me as weirdo?. People are losing one's mind when confronted with reality, simply of the hegemony of the heteronormativity implies in people mind since we were kid.   I speak with my mother, I asked her to define what "inclusion" is. She defined inclusion as "ensuring that the people do not discriminate in socializing." She further said that the world welcomes all races and religious backgrounds and they do...

Beauty Is Painting

Some think that being beautiful is a must, Some think beautiful people carry hermes bags, walk on Lanvin shoes, wear super duper Dita shades and have closet full of other branded stuff. What i seek now is another insight of beauty, another direction that brings out the art in fashion, something that is higher and meaningful. Painting is one form of art manifesto. Some paint to express thoughts, some feelings, some other imagination and some manifest their freedom and so do the lanvin bags and other branded stuff. Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress. Coco Chanel ,   means being fashionable doesn’t always attached to the dress, bag and shoes or even jewels so try this “new direction” start from now on. To me art is the new fashion, and paint is fashionably stunning. Lucky me have some friends that are enough open minded to speak up through the art of painting and let the rest of us know how beautiful the diversity is. These painting s...


PETS ADOPTION NIGHT 3 Binatang peliharaan di Indonesia sudah mencapai angka populasi yang sangat tinggi, atau biasa disebut over populasi. Salah satu penyebab over populasi adalah  breeder  yang terus-menerus mengembangbiakkan hewan peliharaan untuk dijual ke masyarakat, tanpa memikirkan dampak kesejahteraan binatang tersebut dalam jangka panjang. Bahkan proses pengembangbiaakan, penjualan, hingga ke tangan pembeli/pemilik pun tak selalu baik. Binatang-binatang peliharaan ini tidak selalu mendapatkan perlakuan baik sehingga banyak yang ditemukan terlantar atau disiksa. Masalah ini belum banyak mendapatkan kepedulian khusus dari masyarakat maupun pemerintah. Maka, lewat acara  Pets Adoption Night, Pets Movement  ingin mengajak para pecinta binatang agar bersama-sama menyebarkan informasi ini ke masyarakat luas dan berbuat sesuatu untuk mengatasinya. Setelah berhasil menyelenggarakan acara pertama di bulan April dan kedua di bulan Mei lalu,  Pets Move...