
Showing posts from January, 2013

He Is The President & He’s On Fire

Life is not easy as we think, but dreaming is believing. That sentences is worth to admire. It’s give me more power to face no matter how hard the life is. As usual I woke up in the morning and got a cup of coffee, I was wondering why the light was so bright and warm . I turned on my laptop and started scrolling what happen in the world today. I was surprised that it was turns out the gratitude moment to all of American citizen, yes that’s right Obama re-elected as US president at January 20 th 2013.  Obama is always a history for me and every US citizen, since he is the first Afro-American President and what he done to us may raise our eyebrow . His policy decisions have addressed a global financial crisis and have included changes in tax policies, legislation to reform the United States health care industry, foreign policy initiatives and the phasing out of detention of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. He attended the G-20 London summit a...

In Colaboration With Bonvieux! "December Collection"

In Colaboration With Bonvieux! "December Collection"  Bonjour a tous!! Finally I upload one of the collaboration section between some of the great folks. In this section you will see the behind the scene of the photo session for Bonvieux boutique and you guys also able to see the shade of retro touch and vintage tones in every piece of caption.  I just made a simple cosmetically changes to strengthen the character in a simple way.  I was enjoying every second to inscribing make up stuff to her face, and the touch of simple dreads on her hairs and bunhead make you tracing  back some old memories in 60's So furthermore. . roll down and enjoy! . Here ya go..This is the video for "Bonvieux December Collection"  Director : Nico Wijaya Photographers : Lambok Sinaga & Widi Artono Stylist : Claradevi Hadriatmadja, Ajeng Ayu Anglaina & Adelia Hidayati Make Up Artist : Nocky Chandra Model : Phoebe Isabella | Portal Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi

Hari ini saat melakukan pekerjaan fun setiap hari ngecek facebook, tidak lama kemudian salah satu teman dari Red Cross Bangkok mengirimkan pesan ke saya lewat Facebook, berkata; Hi Nocky, How are you?? Finally, our website is done and launched online. Can you please help us promote our facebook It would be very grateful, if you could please help spread the words. Thank you ka Miss ya Kate and Taran Seketika itu juga saya langsung klik TEMANTEMAN.ORG dan membaca konten dari portal berita tersebut, sesuai dengan dulu yang mereka janjikan ketika pergi ke Indonesia. Red Cross akan membuat portal informasi kesehatan mengenai siap siaga HIV/AIDS. Memang penting sekali buat remaja dan orang dewasa membutuhkan pengetahuan prevensi HIV/AIDS terus menerus. adalah sebuah pelayanan dari  Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre TRCARC dan didukung oleh klinik Pokdiskus, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM Jakarta dan Klinik Nus...

Tolong Moly! Repost!

Dear temen-temen Molly membutuhkan uluran tangan kalian. Moly sekarang di rawat Animal Friends Jogja, jika teman-teman berniat untuk membantu atau mengadopsi silahkan hubungi kontak sebagai berikut Cp: afj Ina 082133749524 Kronologi Cerita Molly Molly anjing keluarga pak mujono, kepala sekolah SD kalisih. lebih dari 1 bulan lalu molly sulit makan. 2minggu lalu badannya sudah sangat kurus, tinggal tulang berbalut kulit, dan jalannya limbung. ketika ditanyakan kepada yg punya knp molly kurus, jawabnya "sudah tua". setelah tahun baru,molly ditinggal pergi 1 minggu keluar kota.makanan dititip tetangga. ketika diengok hanya nasi basi dengan kuah cabe dan tulang ayam yang tidak dimakan. aku coba kasih nasi ati dan pedigree, molly makan lahap. berarti selama ini menu makan tidak diperhatikan. setelah keluarga pak mujono kembali, pedigree dan nasi ati tetep aku kasih ke molly, munimal skali sehari. kemarin molly mulai mimisan, berarti bukan masalah kurang m...