Let's Vote for a Better Indonesia

Fear Pouring by fear recently. The series of radical action done by radical Muslim group going to happen more and more. The people views of jogja have strongly deteriorated, simply because the home town where I raised, and born, somehow gradually less secure. Jogja as I know the city of which can serve a model of Indonesia national Moto Bhineka Tunggal Ika ( Unity in Diversity), because in fact real Yogyakartan can accept from outside the cultural difference bought by settlers. As Yogyakartan, I mostly know what Yogyakarta principle is. It’s all indeed based on the philosophy Hamemayu Hayuning Bawono ( maintaining good relations with human being, fellow creature, the universe and with the almighty) and Hamengku Hamengkoni (Throne for people and welfare) which is rooted in the philosophy that foster a sense of divinity and build a sense of humanity rather than the religious sense, and a Sultan Yogyakarta as a symbol of cultural leader to protect both their own c...