One Billion Rising Campaign 2013 Yogyakarta
Romance is in the air. Chocolate hearts, roses, and greeting cards are everywhere.If you really want to be romantic, ignore all of these commercial products this Valentine's Day. Buying a card or some candy from the store only shows that you're doing what's expected. Going the extra mile to be creative shows that you really care. If you want to really be romantic take the time to find out what is special and meaningful to all woman in earth, There are 7 billion people on the planet. Half are women. One third of them are raped or beaten. It's time to stand up against the sex violation toward woman and children. No more cries and sorrow so we're inviting everyone to walk out, dance, rise and demand an end to this violance. Everyone has their own reason to stand up, and the reason for me to raise simply to keep the bright of my mom, sister, and bestfriend smiles.
BILLION RISING is designed to show the world our collective strength, our
numbers, our solidarity across borders. On 2.14.13 V-Day activists across
the world will stop what they normally do, walk out, strike, and dance.
following are ideas & examples of what to include in your RISING. Have
another idea you want to share? Send it to
- Women Leaders -Engage female politicians, entrepreneurs, and other powerful women in your community to support and participate in the strike.
- Violence Against Women Activists -Invite every organization working to end violence against women in your city.
- Men -V-Men are essential to ending the violence. Invite all of the men in your life to strike by your side.
- Motivators -Ask your most energetic friends or family members to take charge of encouraging participants who may feel shy about dancing.
- Dancers -Consider including professional dancers to perform, inspire the crowds, and/or teach dance moves.
- Musicians -A live band is a great way to jazz up a crowd. Look into musicians with instruments that travel, so they can play alongside you if your strike is mobile.
- Speakers & Readers -Decide if you want speeches and readings at your event. Invite women to speak out about their experiences of violence, or representatives from women’s organizations to talk about the issue locally.
- Everyone You Know -Use these letter templates to engage your friends and colleagues to participate. (coming soon)
- Dance Strike -Lead a crowd of people to transform a public space into a dance party. March through your community to mobilize the strike, or choose one location to gather and dance.
- Concert -If you want live music to dance to, consider the band’s sound needs and choose a locale with access to a sound system.
- Flash mob -In the midst of a free-style dance celebration, you may want to use a flash mob: a group of people who arrive prepared to perform a choreographed dance to inspire onlookers to join the strike.
- V-Day Performance -Consider beginning or ending your Rising with a production of "The Vagina Monologues" or another artistic event. Sign-up to hold a V-Day event here.
- Outdoor -If you plan to strike outdoors, make sure there is some way to play music, whether it’s created by speakers, a boombox, or live instruments. If you want to localize the strike in one location, find out in advance if you need a permit to use the space.
- Indoor -In colder areas of the world, consider holding the dance inside. However, you should choose an indoor location with heavy foot traffic, such as a mall, college cafeteria during lunch, train station, airport, department store, etc. Again, you may need special permission to use an indoor space, so if you don’t obtain permission, make sure you have a back-up location arranged in case you get kicked out.
V-Day, we recognize that not everyone can leave their homes, work, or classes;
not everyone is safe to speak out and rise up. Therefore we’ve compiled a list
of other ways that you can RISE, even if you can't take to the streets that
day. This movement and day of action belongs to everyone, revolution can happen
anywhere, join us:
Change your Facebook profile
picture to the ONE BILLION
RISING logo on 2.14.13.
Organize an online social
gathering in your virtual or gaming community.
Tape yourself dancing and send in the video.
Talk to everyone you know about
ONE BILLION RISING, and the 1 in 3 statistic; blog, post articles about the
strike, engage in dialogue with your coworkers, friends, and family about ways
to address Violence Against Women in your community.
In schools: If you are an
educator, conduct a lesson about the lives of girls around the world. If you
are a student, suggest to your teacher in the weeks leading up to ONE BILLION
RISING that she or he integrate the topic into that day's curriculum. Consider
using the V-Girls' curriculum.
Send a letter to your local
lawmakers demanding that they prioritize legislation that protects women and
girls from violence.
In the weeks before and on the
morning of 2.14.13, distribute ONE BILLION RISING posters and stickers around
your neighborhood, city, college campus.
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