Magic Wand

My phone rang, I didn't recognise the number, I picked up the phone and after I heard the men voice "Hello", he said. I directly noticed that this one is my friend, "Hi Lambox" I replied. He called me because there will be preweeding job, and He told me he gonna hire me as a MUA. So the time has come I've packed my weapon kit and ready to inscribed their look with my magic wand. Love had a good time with folks in a sunny day. One, two, three frames produced, and my hand keep swinging and inscribing the couple faces, and I saw smiles adorned in every caption. The shoots session were well underway, but during a break of photo session I took a walk, or sit in the hood, detach the exhaustion by seen how beautiful the nature is. I felt my lungs inflate with onrush of scenery air, mountains, trees, and people. I realised that John Muris is so true, he said " Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nat...