Today Inspiration (Embroidery)

When I was kid my mom always sitting in the corner of balcony and brought some wools, needles, metal strips, sometimes pearls, beads, and sequins. I have no idea what she did to those stuff. Since this is intriguing matter so I approached her and started observing.  Sitting under the blue of the sky  pay much attention and I came up with classic question "Mom what are you doing?", and mom told me "This is the handicraft of decorating fabric, called Embroidery" My eyebrow raised , sign that I have no idea about it. Mom told me that Embroidery was a very important art in the Medieval Islam World, one of the most interesting accounts of embroidery were given y the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi called it the "Craft of the two hands".  Embroidery also was a sign of high social status in Muslim society, and this kind of craft hugely popular in some cities such as Damascus, Cairo, and Istanbul. 

A characteristic of embroidery stitch is the hand-sewing or more stitches that are always executed in the same way. For me this is one of the complex method of sewing the wools, so that I amaze my mom so much and ask why she could do that?. Then today when I checked my tumblr I found some cool stuff, I called this is the diverse of embroidery since those pictures shown the collapse between both art, craft, and fashion even Vanessa Jackman rocking embroidery at Paris Fashion Week 2013 recently. Those picture translate the art in a peculiar way, somehow simple but remaining fierce because  the pattern drafting reflect the evolution of inventio. I Wish I be able to make embroidery for my outfit collection someday and do the same thing like Vanessa Jackman ;)

Images via Tumblr


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